Guernsey FA Level 1 in Coaching Goalkeepers
Learners to complete on line task, prior to the start of the course;
Planning and LTPD – contact Angus MacKay or Jordan Kelly if need further information re; access to PRE COURSE on line task
Workshop 1: Thursday 20th June: 6.00pm – 9.00pm
- Course Introduction – register, course packs, outline course tasks
- Review of pre course task Plan – do - Review
- LTPD /4 Corner model
- Allocation of topic x 1
Workshop 2: Friday 21st June: 6.00pm – 9.00pm
- Review workshop 1
- Practical delivery Learner Led/Tutor; technical elements – General Handling, diving saves
- Review practical delivery
- Allocation of topic x 2
Workshop 3: Saturday 22nd June: 9.15am – 12.30pm
- Consolidation of workshops 1, 2 & 3 – Learner led delivery (in pairs) dealing with crosses, distribution, 1 v 1
- Review practice delivery 1 and 2
Workshop 4: Saturday 22nd June: 1.30pm – 4.00pm
- Review
- Review workshop 4
- Topics distributed x 3
Workshop 5: Sunday 23rd June: 9.15am – 12.30pm
- Review
- Consolidation of workshops 4 and 5; Practical delivery – Learner led (in pairs)
- Review Practice delivery 3
Workshop 6: Sunday 23rd June: 1.30pm – 5.00pm
- Individual / Dual Feedback and Action Planning (10/15 minutes per individual/pair)
Candidates – to complete the GK L1 Award will need to attend all sessions
Provide evidence of;
Emergency Aid
Safeguarding workshop
Learners are advised to ensure they will have opportunities to coach with players and deliver and review x 1/ 2 sessions as part of the GK L1 Award (i.e. delivered during /post the course programme)
Contact: Angus MacKay – 01481 200443; email; or Jordan Kelly; 01481 200443; email; for more information, signposting, access to on line tasks, etc.).