Ball in a training session


Within football there are a variety of roles through which, volunteers can support the local game.

These roles include:

Generic Volunteering Roles


The role of a chairperson is to oversee the running of the club/league and ensure that it is run efficiently and managed appropriately. They will lead club/league meetings and provide leadership in all areas such as club tournaments, etc.


The treasurers role will be to ensure that the club stays financially sustainable, pay all expenses, and collect any monies owed to the club


The Secretary is one of the most important roles in a club or league. The main point of contact for Guernsey FA, team managers and clubs/leagues, the Secretary will look after the administrative duties for the club.

Specific Club Roles


All teams will require a manager to organise the team for fixtures, lead the team on matchdays, and organise training. In a lot of cases this will also include coaching the team as well to develop their ability.

Welfare Officer

The club welfare officer ensures that the club operates a safe, child friendly environment and promotes good practice in line with the club’s Child Protection Policy.

Fixtures Secretary

The fixtures secretary will be in charge of organising pitches for home games, and ensuring that the club’s teams can play all of their games.

Specific League Roles

Player Registration Secretary

The league player registration secretary will sign on all of the players for teams in the league to ensure that players are able to play. Depending on the size of some leagues, there may be multiple volunteers doing this job with a few age groups each.

Fixtures Secretary

The league fixtures secretary organises fixtures for the teams in the league. In some leagues there may be multiple fixture secretaries to cover certain age groups depending on the size of the league.

  • To ensure the Club/League safeguarding and welfare policy is implemented
  • To ensure Club/League members are known
  • To be accessible when required
  • To ensure incidents are recorded and reported appropriately
  • Verify CRC checks for Club/League members

There is a wide range of training courses available to ensure volunteers can become knowledgeable and confident to perform a voluntary role within a club. Training courses are delivered by Guernsey FA's Development Team and appointed Tutors including the following:

  • The FA Level 1 Award in Coaching Football
  • The FA Level 2 Award in Coaching Football
  • The FA Level 3 Award in Coaching Football
  • The FA Youth Award Module 1
  • The FA Youth Award Module 2
  • The FA Youth Award Module 3
  • FA Emergency Aid
  • FA Goalkeeping Coaching Award
  • FA Safeguarding Children Workshop
  • FA Welfare Officer Workshop
  • FA Junior Football Leaders Award
  • To Chair all meetings, including the AGM.
  • To represent the Club at League and other meetings
  • To manage Club issues as they arise
  • To provide leadership for Club decisions
  • To ensure all County FA and League requirements are met
  • To ensure all FA guidelines are met
  • To represent the Club/League at meetings
  • To be the first point of contact for the Club/League
  • To ensure the Club/League is affiliated and meets County FA requirements
  • To disseminate information to Club/League members

Get in touch

For more information about volunteer roles in local football, please contact the Football Development Team:

T: 01481 200443