Coach placing cones

Extra Time Service

The Guernsey FA is committed to sustaining and growing affiliated football in the island and is here to help Clubs through the Extra-Time service.

The ‘Extra-Time’ service gives clubs and volunteers the ability to contact the Guernsey FA to seek help, advice and guidance about all areas of the game including:

  • Online Club Administration
  • Volunteer Training
  • England Football Accredited
  • Safeguarding and Welfare
  • Rules & Regulations
  • Club Management
  • Funding & Grants
  • Health & Safety

Throughout the season an individual or club could need specific support regarding any of the above, or other areas of the game and the this is where the Guernsey FA can help.

Guernsey FA has a wide range of programmes and expertise which can support clubs and individuals through the challenging times.

Get In Touch 

For more information about the 'Extra-Time' service, please contact the Football Development Team:

T: 01481 200443